Get Helpful Tips About Acid Reflux That Are Simple To Understand

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People with acid reflux experience feelings of extreme pain. Fortunately, there are lots of actions that can be taken to make life with acid reflux much more tolerable. The article that follows below is meant to serve as a valuable tool for managing this most frustrating illness.

Acid reflux can be exacerbated by the way you eat. It’s not uncommon to bolt your food quickly and to excess. This is a very poor way to eat. Make sure you only eat until you are no longer hungry. Additionally, do not eat as quickly at meal time. Lay the fork down between taking bites and slowly chew your food thoroughly.

If your weight and BMI are considered normal, you are less vulnerable to GERD. Your sphincter muscle at the lower end of the esophagus loses its effectiveness with extra fat pressing on your stomach. Losing weight will tighten your sphincter, making the acid stay where it needs to stay.

Acid reflux can be triggered with some foods. Common foods that cause reflux are chocolate, caffeinated beverages, and fried foods. Additionally, acidic fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits and tomatoes contribute to acid reflux. Food triggers vary, so you may be able to consume some of them. To be perfectly safe, you can avoid all of these items.

When you have an acid reflux flareup, try to remember what you ate just prior to that. Trigger foods vary from person to person. When you have identified your triggers, you can avoid them effectively.

After meals, chew on a piece of cinnamon gum. Chewing facilitates the production of saliva. Saliva works to neutralize stomach acid. In addition, people swallow more when they chew gum, which allows any acid that may be in the esophagus to be cleared away. You can use gums that come in fruit flavors as well. Mint gums are a poor choice since they can relax the esophagus’s sphincter and worsen symptoms.

Elevate the headboard of your bed. You can use bricks, wood or even bed raisers to accomplish this. The head of your bed should be elevated six to eight inches above the foot. When your chest and head are elevated, it will make it quite difficult for acid to rise upwards during sleep.

You might realize that a very active lifestyle could be part of the problem. The solution is drinking more water. Water helps you stay hydrated. It may also help food digest better. Using water to help digest food can decrease acid production in your stomach.

Don’t lie down after eating. Your digestion will be impeded. By staying upright, you can avoid acid from going into your esophagus.

Acid reflux can be a major source of discomfort for people who suffer from it. It can also lead to other health problems. But, by acquiring a decent amount of information and know-how, it really is possible to make the condition something that is little more than a minor nuisance. Revisit the tips and guidance found above as needed to get a handle on the condition once and for all.